NASPA is a member-centered association supporting a diverse and passionate network of 15,000 professionals and 1,200 institutions across the globe.
Whether you are looking for a transformational in-person experience, or wanting to learn and engage from where you are, NASPA has the perfect professional development for you.
As higher education continues to evolve, NASPA serves a leading role in the innovations that are shaping the future of student affairs.
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NASPA has many organizations and groups that tailor your NASPA experience to your location, professional level, and institution type.
NASPA publishes books, periodicals, and other media to support student affairs professionals in their daily work to promote student learning and success.
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This brief overviews federal legislation and liability concerns, highlights trends in counseling center practices, and offers recommendations.
The vision of the Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice is to publish the most rigorous and relevant research regarding student affairs.
Best Practices for Academic and Student Affairs Partnerships
First-Year Students and Religious, Secular, and Spiritual Identities
Conducting a Resource Audit in Preparation for a Campus Climate Assessment
Engaging Students in Programs and Services Through Dynamic Multimedia Marketing
Beyond Binaries: Supporting Bisexual, Pansexual, Fluid, and Queer-Identified Students
Developing Learning Outcomes at all levels
Supervising Athletics
Islam, Muslim Chaplaincy, and the LGBTQIA Community
Making Your Media Accessible
Mission Possible: Bridging the Academic/Co-Curricular Divide through the Co-Curricular Résumé
Moving Beyond Lip Service: Ideas for infusing Social Justice into Your Campus
Islam in America and on our Campuses: Reducing Stigma, Increasing Support
Where do we go from here? Demonstrating sensitive, caring and justice-centered leadership
Asexuality: A Brief Overview
Creating and Implementing a Purposeful Strategic Plan
Data Hoarding
Effectively and Compassionately Responding to Student Deaths
Hillel: A Jewish Foundation on Campus