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Execution Time: 2.95 ms
Record Count: 1
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SELECT top 1 objectid,'cmCTAPromos' as objecttype
FROM cmCTAPromos
WHERE status = 'approved'
AND ctaType = 'moreinfo'
December 18, 2024

Early Registration Deadline

February 5, 2025

Regular Registration Deadline

March 15, 2025

International Symposium

2025 NASPA International Symposium

In-Person Conferences Supporting the Profession Middle East, North Africa, South Asia (MENASA) Latin America and Caribbean (LAC) Global Division International Education

A Pre-Con at the NASPA Annual Conference 

The NASPA International Symposium facilitates the advancement of global discussion and worldwide understanding of student affairs and services. A key International Symposium goal is to invite and explore new perspectives, and to create new connections to bridge international boundaries. In doing so, the International Symposium expands NASPA’s objective of providing professional learning opportunities to support preparedness for the realities of an increasingly globalized society. The International Symposium benefits those working in an international student service setting, as well as practitioners interested in further developing their global competency skills. 




Presented By

About the NASPA International Symposium

The NASPA International Symposium is a specialized preconference of the NASPA Annual Conference that brings together student affairs professionals, educators, administrators, and students from various countries to discuss and address issues pertinent to higher education and student services globally. The primary goal is to foster a global community of practice that enhances the effectiveness of student affairs professionals, enriches the educational environments, and ultimately supports the holistic development of students worldwide. (Global Division, International Education Knowledge Community (IEKC). The event format will include keynote presentations, concurrent sessions, interactive discussions, and networking opportunities.

Message from the Chair

Maria del Pilar Murguia

On behalf of the planning committee, I am very happy to invite you to the NASPA International Symposium in the United States! My colleagues and I are excited to welcome you to our annual two-day pre-conference just ahead of NASPA Annual Conference.

I hope you will consider submitting a proposal to share your expertise with colleagues from around the world. Each year, scholars and practitioners present their work at the International Symposium to share the ideas, knowledge, and best practices shaping student affairs globally. As a leader in this field, you have a unique perspective from which others would greatly benefit, and we hope you will consider proposing a session or panel.

NASPA has also launched the registration site for the Annual Conference at https://conference.naspa.org, and we hope you will consider joining us a few days early. The NASPA International Symposium is a chance to network and exchange ideas with people shaping the student experience around the world.

Please let me know if you have questions or suggestions! The planning committee and I are very excited to coordinate such a valuable professional development opportunity for our colleagues, and we look forward to seeing you at the NASPA International Symposium. Until then, I hope you are well and that we are able to connect very soon.


Symposium Registration and Hotel Accommodations

To register for the NASPA International Symposium, visit https://conference.naspa.org/ and you will be redirected to the official 2025 NASPA Annual Conference page where you will find registration and hotel accommodations information. 


Call for Programs - CLOSED

Join us for the NASPA International Symposium and 2025 NASPA Annual Conference. The International Symposium is a two-day pre-conference event (March 15 - March 16, 2025) that will explore global issues in student affairs and services and higher education. The event format will include keynote presentations, concurrent sessions, interactive discussions, and networking opportunities.

Please Note: You can register for the 2025 NASPA International Symposium as a stand-alone event. You do not have to also register for the 2025 NASPA Annual Conference.

The Call for Programs is now CLOSED.

There will not be any virtual presentation opportunities.



Program reviewers rely on a well-written description to enhance their understanding of the content and goals of the presentation. The conference planning committees encourage program proposals with proven practices and content that will engage participants in fruitful discussions and provide meaningful content to bring back to their campuses.

Successful proposals should include: 

  • Lengthy description about session content that you will present.
  • Relationship of the program to the conference themes outlined below in 'Conference Themes & Learning Outcomes'
  • Identification of the program format (e.g., lecture, panel, roundtable) including methods for participant involvement (e.g., discussion, effective practice sharing, case study analysis).
  • Discussions of replicability: to what extent can the information presented in this program be replicated at other institutions?
  • Evidence of the conceptual foundation for proposal content including ways the program content is grounded in research, relevant experience, a cogent model, or appropriate theory.
    • Program proposals should establish a clear connection to the research, framework, model, or theory included in their discussions.
    • A list of references to relevant research, models, or theory must be listed in the "References" section. 


  • Draft and save your work in a word processing program to ensure you keep a copy for your records. When you are ready, copy and paste the your description and outline into the text box below. 
  • There are no word limits on this section. Please provide enough details so that program reviewers can understand the breadth, depth, and scope of your program. This description will not be printed in the program book, website, or otherwise.
  • Ensure correct spelling and grammar.

For additional tips, please visit NASPA’s Program Submission Guidelines

Symposium Tracks

Change and Crisis Management

This comprehensive track focuses on a variety of essential “hot topic” aspects of university operations, including Crisis Management and Professional Preparation; Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB);  Sustainable Campus Initiatives; and Ethical Practices.

Suggested Program Topics May Include:

Crisis Preparation: Training and resources aimed at preparing staff and faculty to handle crises effectively. This includes crisis management strategies, emergency response training, and the development of resilience skills to ensure that personnel are equipped to manage unexpected situations professionally.

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB) Initiatives: Developing and implementing inclusive policies that promote diversity, ensure equity, and foster a sense of belonging within the campus community.

Sustainable Campus Initiatives: Programs that reduce environmental impact and promote sustainability through campus operations and student involvement.

Ethical Practices in Academia: Exploring ethical dilemmas and promoting integrity and transparency within academic and administrative processes.

Professional Growth and Networking

This track focuses on enhancing the professional knowledge and capabilities of staff and faculty through collaboration, mentoring, and networking; supporting professional development for global practitioners; and ensuring that personnel are well-equipped to meet current and future challenges and are knowledgeable about best practices in higher education.

Suggested Program Topics May Include:

Collaboration and Networking: Initiatives that facilitate connections among staff and faculty within institutions and with peers globally, including networking events, professional association involvement, and collaborative projects that foster knowledge exchange and professional relationships.

Mentoring and Coaching: Programs designed to offer guidance and professional growth through mentoring relationships that match less experienced faculty and staff with seasoned professionals to provide support, share knowledge, and accelerate development.

Faculty and Staff Development: Initiatives aimed at enhancing the skills and connections of faculty and staff to support a diverse student body effectively.

Technology: Explore challenges and benefits of technology, including Artificial Intelligence (AI), impacting student affairs practice. 

Student Support and Engagement

This track focuses on enhancing the support structures for students, both domestic and international, facilitating their active participation in campus life and promoting global understanding through mobility programs and culturally inclusive practices.

Suggested Program Topics May Include:

Adaptation and Collaboration: Strategies to help students and staff adapt to and collaborate within culturally diverse settings.

Transition and Support: Addressing the specialized needs of international, exchange, and short-term study abroad students as they adjust to new educational and cultural environments. This includes orientation programs, ongoing support services, and initiatives designed to integrate these students fully into campus life.

Cultural Integration and Respect: Efforts aimed at creating a campus culture that values and respects diverse global perspectives. This includes programs that enhance cross-cultural understanding and facilitate meaningful interactions among students from different backgrounds.

Engagement Initiatives: Focuses on promoting student involvement in various aspects of campus life, from governance to career development opportunities and community service, encouraging a vibrant campus community.

Activism: Encouraging students to be proactive in advocating for causes they are passionate about, and providing them with the tools and platforms to effect change responsibly and appropriately both within and beyond the university setting.

NASPA International Symposium: Schedule At A Glance

Friday 14 March
Saturday 15 March
Sunday 16 March
2:00 PM - 6:00 PM

Optional - Campus Visit - Tulane University

7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Optional - International Symposium Social

9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

NASPA International Symposium Check-IN

10:00 AM - 11:00 AM


11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Keynote Address - Roger Ludeman

12:00 PM - 12:30 PM

International Symposium Event

12:30 PM - 1:20 PM

Concurrent Sessions

1:30 PM - 2:20 PM


2:30 PM - 3:20 PM

Concurrent Sessions

3:30 PM - 4:20 PM

Concurrent Sessions

4:30 PM - 5:20 PM

Concurrent Sessions

7:00 AM - 2:00 PM

NASPA International Symposium Check-IN

8:00 AM - 8:45 AM


9:00 AM - 9:30 AM

Opening Session

9:30 AM - 10:30 AM

Concurrent Session

10:30 AM - 11:00 AM

Global Exchange

11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Keynote Address - Baishakhi Taylor

12:00 PM - 1:30 PM

International Symposium Event

1:30 PM - 2:30 PM


2:30 PM - 3:30 PM

Concurrent Session

3:30 PM - 4:00 PM

IEKC Awards

4:00 PM - 4:30 PM

Closing Session

4:30 PM - 5:00 PM

Flag Processional

5:00 PM

NASPA Annual Conference Opening Session

Professional Development Resources

Professional Development Opportunities

Symposium Planning Committee

The 2025 NASPA Symposium Planning Committee (SPC) is responsible for supporting the creation and execution of the conference experience by leveraging their expertise and lens. NASPA is grateful to the thoughtful and intentional volunteers listed below.

Omneya BadrTrinity Washington University

Pantelis Chantzaras, Perrotis College/American Farm School

Wadad El Housseini, Qatar University

Dressie Fan, Tulane University

Ashley Jost, Saint Louis University Madrid

Miriam Khalil, Northwestern University in Qatar

Russell Martin, Franklin University Switzerland

Kerrie Montgomery Orozco, University of Florida

Pilar Murguia, John Cabot University

Niamh Nestor, University College Dublin

Ahmed Osman, The City University of New York

Cory Owen, Yale-NUS College

Janelle Rahyns, NASPA

Paul Rossi, University of the Arts London

Jayme Scally, West Virginia University

Alexandra Trumbull-Holper, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Vickie Unferth, Marshalltown Community College

Keynote Speakers

Previous International Symposium Keynote Speakers

Previous International Symposium Chairs/Directors

Contact Us