September 30, 2024
Applicants who apply by 03/01/2025 will be given priority consideration.
NUFP Dungy Leadership Institute (DLI) 2025: In Person
Division/Group Events Supporting the Profession Equity, Inclusion and Social Justice NASPA Undergraduate Fellows Program (NUFP) Undergraduate
June 19 - June 25, 2025 Michigan State University
Would you like to meet other aspiring student affairs professionals from across the country? Does participating in a leadership institute aimed at developing your leadership skills, enhancing your cultural awareness, and preparing you for a career in student affairs sound enticing?
If so, you are encouraged to apply to be a part of the 2025 Dungy Leadership Institute (DLI) being held June 21-June 25, 2025
DLI is held annually on various college campuses and offers more than 30 NUFP Fellows the unique opportunity to network with their peers and current student affairs administrators serving as institute faculty. DLI provides an in-depth leadership development experience and prepares Fellows for graduate work in student affairs and higher education. DLI is an application-based experience. All Fellows will have to apply and be accepted to attend the institute. Participant travel, lodging and meals are covered by NASPA and the host institution. We hope you are ready for a transformative experience!
For more information contact us at
Presented By

DLI Team
The NUFP Dungy Leadership Institute Faculty and special guests co-lead 8-10 students throughout the DLI experience and provide support to all students attending the institute..
Planning Team

Michigan State Univeristy
East Lansing, MI
COVID-19 Event Safety
All participants at NASPA in-person conferences, whether a faculty member/presenter, attendee, sponsor/exhibitor, staff, guest, or vendor will be required to be fully vaccinated. Individuals who require a vaccination exemption must provide documentation of a negative PCR test no more than 72 hours prior to arrival to any event. All participants at NASPA events will be required to wear masks. Please see the NASPA COVID Event Safety and Responsibility webpage for complete information about NASPA's policy.
2026 Host Application
Host Institution Requirements:
For a more robust overview of requirements and responsibilities, please see the DLI Information sheet at the end of this application. In short, in order to host the NUFP Dungy Leadership Institute, your institution must commit to providing the following services, including expenses related to each:
A dedicated onsite coordinator and staff support to execute the institute
Meeting space, audio/visual needs, and internet access
On-campus housing for approximately 50 participants (fellows, DLI faculty, and staff) for the duration of the event—fellows will share rooms/suites but faculty members/staff should have their own room space
Meals for all participants, excluding dinners on the town
Coordination of institute logistics (e.g., room reservation, directions, signs)
Coordination of onsite registration (e.g., check-in, name tags, notebooks)
Ground transportation to and from the local airport and local events
Use of computer, copier, printer, fax, and office supplies during the institute
Sample Schedule
Activity |
Location |
Scholar Arrival Day |
All Day |
Scholars Arrive and Check-In |
6:00pm-10:00pm |
DLI Opening Session and Dinner |
Student Center, 149 |
DAY 1 |
8:00am-8:45am |
Breakfast |
Student Center, 149 |
9:00am-9:30am |
DLI Group Photo |
Student Center |
9:30am-11:30am |
Let’s Come Together: Team and Community Building |
Student Center, 149 |
11:00am-11:15am |
Break |
11:30am-12:15pm |
Student Affairs as a Profession |
Student Center, 149 |
12:15pm-1:00pm |
Lunch |
Dining Hall |
1:00pm-1:15pm |
NASPA & NUFP Overview |
Student Center, 149 |
1:15pm-2:30pm |
Understanding Yourself to facilitate Inclusive & Just Communities |
Student Center, 149 |
3:00pm-4:00pm |
Discovering Purpose and Joy in Leading for Equity and Inclusion |
Student Center, 149 |
4:00pm-4:45pm |
DLI Faculty Panel |
Student Center, 149 |
4:45pm-5:45pm |
Cluster Time |
Student Center, 1st Floor Rooms (138A, 138B, 138C, 149) |
5:45pm-7:00pm |
Dinner |
Dining Hall |
DAY 2 |
8:00am-8:45am |
Breakfast |
Student Center |
9:00am-9:30am |
Housekeeping Details/Energizer |
Student Center, 149 |
9:30am-10:15am |
Student Affairs: Discovering Our Why |
Student Center, 1st Floor Rooms (138A, 138B, 138C, 149) |
10:15am-11:00am |
Cluster Group Check-In |
Student Center 138A, 138B, 138C, 149 |
11:00am-11:45am |
Imposter Syndrome + How To Navigate It |
Student Center, 149 |
11:45am-12:00pm |
Case Study Introduction |
Student Center, 149 |
12:00pm-12:45pm |
Cluster Lunch |
Student Center 138A, 138B, 138C, 149 |
12:45pm-2:15pm |
Case Study Cluster Time |
Student Center 138A, 138B, 138C, 149 |
2:15pm-2:30pm |
Break |
2:30pm-4:30pm |
Where I Am From |
Student Center, 149 |
4:30pm-5:00pm |
Break |
5:00pm-5:30pm |
Travel To Night on the Town |
Meet in front of Student Center |
5:30pm-9:00pm |
Night on the Town |
Day 3 |
8:00am-8:45am |
Breakfast |
Dining Hall |
9:00am-9:15am |
Housekeeping Details/Energizer |
Student Center, 149 |
9:15am-10:00am |
Key Players in Higher Education and How Do I fit in? |
Student Center, 149 |
10:00am-12:00pm |
Functional Area Exploration |
Student Center 138A, 138B, 138C, 149 |
12:00pm-1:00pm |
Lunch |
Dining Hall |
1:15pm-2:15pm |
Cluster Group Time |
Student Center 138A, 138B, 138C, 149 |
2:15pm-3:15pm |
Preparing for the Profession Sessions Block 1 |
Professional Networking & Associations |
Student Center, Room #138C |
Grad School 101: How to Prepare & Thrive |
Student Center, Room #149 |
Navigating Finances as an emerging #SAPro (Financial Literacy) |
Student Center, Room 138B |
3:15pm-4:20pm |
Cluster Group Time (Case Study Preparation) |
Student Center 138A, 138B, 138C, 149 |
4:20pm-4:30pm |
Break |
4:30pm-5:15pm |
History and Importance of HBCUs |
Student Center, 149 |
5:15pm-7:00pm |
Dinner and Break |
Dining Hall |
7:15pm-8:15pm |
Cluster Group Meeting |
Student Center, 1st Floor Rooms 138A, 138B, 138C, 149 |
Day 4 |
8:00am-8:45am |
Breakfast |
Dining Hall |
9:00am-12:00pm |
Case Study Analysis Presentations |
Student Center, 149 |
12:00pm-12:40pm |
Lunch |
Dining Hall |
12:50pm-1:30pm |
Break |
1:30pm-2:15pm |
How To Be a Scyborg |
Student Center, 149 |
2:15pm-3:30pm |
Views and Vibes with the DLI Faculty (Part 2) |
Student Center 149 |
3:30pm-5:00pm |
Compass Points: Reflecting on the DLI Experience (Last Cluster Meeting) |
Student Center, 1st Floor Rooms 138A, 138B, 138C, 149 |
5:00pm-6:00pm |
Break |
6:00pm-9:30pm |
DLI Graduation Dinner & Celebration |
Student Center, 149 |
Until Next Time |
7:00am-9:00am 11:00am-3:00pm |
Breakfast and “See You Laters” Lunch and “See You Laters” |