Title IX Guide: Going Above and Beyond Compliance
Health, Safety, and Well-being Campus Safety and Violence Prevention Sexual and Relationship Violence Prevention, Education, and Response AVP or "Number Two" Mid-Level Senior Level VP for Student Affairs
July 7, 2020
While federal laws like Title IX and the Clery Act provide a “floor” in terms of an institution of higher education’s requirements for addressing sexual violence, colleges and universities can – and should – consider how they may help reach a higher “ceiling” above and beyond compliance.
The Title IX Guide: Going Above and Beyond Compliance, originally published in response to the Title IX rule issued by the U.S. Department of Education in August 2020, was created by Culture of Respect to support institutions who are required to follow the Title IX regulations issued by the U.S. Department of Education in August 2020. While many schools have changed their policies in response to the Title IX regulations issued in 2024, a recent federal court ruling struck down those regulations and institutions will likely be expected to return to the 2020 rule in the coming months.
This guide provides a series of questions that: help institutions assess compliance with key aspects of the new Title IX rule; identify the source of this information in the rule; and most importantly, prompt institutions to examine key questions, considerations, and evidence-based practices that help institutions strengthen their prevention of and response to sexual violence, and create policies, programs, and procedures that help foster a culture of respect.
For more information, questions, or to request additional technical assistance, please email CultureofRespect@naspa.org